While a Virginia car accident can happen in mere seconds, the tragic results can last a lifetime. Car accident victims are left with multiple forms of damage. Severe injuries affect various aspects of your life and are financially and emotionally draining.

If you or a close loved one suffered catastrophic injuries due to the reckless actions of another driver, take action. Our Virginia car accident lawyers offer free consultations, which allows victims to learn more about their legal options.

Common Causes of Virginia Car Accidents

Negligence is at the core of personal injury cases.

All drivers and operators of passenger cars, trucks, commercial vehicles, or motorcycles must obey traffic laws. However, far too many drivers take risks that place other road users in harm’s way.

Among the more common causes of Virginia car accidents are:

  • Distraction: Smartphones and navigational devices distract drivers as they call, text, or program apps while behind the wheel. Non-electronic forms of distraction include eating, applying makeup, and conversing with passengers.
  • Road rage: Speeding, tailgating, or bullying behavior often escalates into road rage. One angry driver can cause another driver to lose control and possibly lose their life.
  • Drunk driving: Alcohol affects vision, reaction time, and more. Any driver who drinks alcohol and gets behind the wheel endangers others, including underaged and commercial drivers.
  • Drowsy driving: Sleep deprivation and undiagnosed sleep apnea are two leading causes of drowsy driving. No one should suffer unfair harm from a driver who drifted into another lane because they were sleepy.

Each type of dangerous driving listed above is also negligent driving. Failing to use the same care and caution as other drivers is inexcusable . . . and sometimes criminal.

If the driver responsible for your harm is criminally charged, you may still pursue a civil case against them. Contact a Virginia car accident attorney today to learn how to proceed with a personal injury or wrongful death claim.

Why Choose Us?

Poindexter & Wright Law will fight for you.

We have a proven track record of case success and a determination to secure the best results possible for our clients. Our team is seasoned, confident, and proud to represent Virginia car accident victims.

As your ally, we keep the lines of communication open and welcome any questions. Our ability to explain the civil process places many clients at ease. A civil case is a complex process that can involve court filings, phone calls, and investigations. No matter where we are in the process, we inform you, our client, of any sudden changes or new evidence.

When you suffer severe injuries due to a negligent driver, you deserve compensation for your damages. Poindexter & Wright Law is eager to help you with your Virginia car accident case.

How We Help Car Accident Victims

We investigate, negotiate, and hold dangerous drivers accountable.

Severe injuries typically require a lengthy hospital stay and recovery. Your medical care is a top priority, leaving you no time to manage your legal matters alone.

A personal injury or wrongful death case generally involves negotiating with the responsible party’s insurer. At Poindexter & Wright Law, we put our experience to work for Virginia car accident victims beginning the moment we meet them.

Caring and compassionate, we aggressively challenge insurance companies of all sizes. While we work diligently to achieve a just settlement, we take cases to court and before a judge and jury when necessary. We do not fall for insurance company tactics designed to underpay our clients the compensation they deserve.

Poindexter & Wright Law helps Virginia car accident victims by:

  • Investigating the accident: We use witness interviews, accident scene photos, and police reports to identify the what, who, how, and why.
  • Identifying all liable parties: Some car accidents involve such factors as defective car parts. Identifying all liable parties is critical to holding everyone who is negligent accountable for your harm.
  • Standing firm during the negotiation process: Insurance companies typically want to pay as little as possible, if any amount at all. Our experience and knowledge of Virginia’s civil laws give us an advantage when pursuing fair compensation.
  • Preparing for a possible trial: At Poindexter & Wright Law, we have the presentation skills, access to experts, and other tools necessary for presenting your case at trial.

Poindexter & Wright Law will be by your side as you navigate your new normal. An accident caused by a negligent person is life-altering. Let us help you by contacting our office today.

A car accident caused by a negligent driver turns your world upside down. Fight for the compensation you deserve with help from Poindexter & Wright Law.

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Virginia Car Accident FAQs

Virginia car accident attorney answers frequently asked questions.

Q:  What is the Virginia statute of limitations?

A: The Virginia statute of limitations is generally two years, with a few exceptions. Failure to file your civil lawsuit within 24 months usually results in your case being barred from consideration.

Q: What is comparative fault in Virginia?

A: Under the pure contributory negligence rule, if the injured party is found even slightly at fault for the accident, they may be barred from any compensation.

Q: Can I accept an insurance company settlement offer without an attorney?

A: An initial insurance company settlement offer is generally small and insufficient to cover your damages. Accepting an offer without an attorney closes your claim and prevents any further legal action — even if your injuries worsen.

Q: Why do I need a Virginia car accident attorney?

A: A Virginia car accident attorney protects the best interests of negligence victims. Managing your case alone can be overwhelming during an already stressful time. An attorney manages your case, affording you more time to rest.

Q: What if my loved one suffered injuries and died months later?

A: If your loved one died from their injuries, just not right away, you may want to pursue a wrongful death case. A Virginia wrongful death attorney can determine whether you qualify for seeking compensation and inform you how to proceed.

A Virginia car accident is a frightening event. It is not uncommon for victims to feel confused or overwhelmed by their situation.

Seeking answers to your questions can help ease your mind. A free consultation is the perfect place and time to discover whether you have a case and how to proceed.

Have You Been in an Accident? If so, Poindexter & Wright Are the Right Attorneys to help you on your journey.

Now is the right time, so call them in a hurry!

At Poindexter & Wright Law, we understand the turmoil a negligent driver brings to another driver’s life. We also know state civil laws and how they are applied to each case.

We offer free consultations for personal injury matters. For all other matters, we offer three options: (1) 15 minutes for $50.00; (2) 30 minutes for $100; (3) 1 hour for $150.00.

Missed time from work, painful rehabilitation, and depression are genuine when it comes to a Virginia car accident victim. The Poindexter & Wright Law team fights for all your damages in hopes of securing fair compensation for your losses.

Time is significant when it comes to pursuing civil action in Virginia. Take the first step toward justice by contacting Poindexter & Wright Law for help with your Virginia car accident case. Call (434) 260-6881 today for a free consultation.

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